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Aug 26, 2020

This solo episode Alicia get’s into the importance of putting yourself up to challenges. This is a business development, entrepreneurial, work remote podcast but at the very core of your business, is you. The only way to get stronger, better and more focused is to put yourself up to uncomfortable things.

Alicia talks...

Aug 19, 2020

We sit down with the queen virtual assistant of the wedding industry, Taylor Daniels AKA, 'It’s Va Tay'.

We talk all about how to become a virtual assistant and the importance of niching down. We talk about how it’s almost more important to get started, build solid relationships, work hard, learn and then figure out...

Aug 12, 2020

This episode of is about how to become a 5:30am wake up person and why it is so crucial in productivity, having more energy, and getting hours back in your day to do the things you need to do, and the things you want to do.

Alicia get’s into the nitty gritty steps it takes to be an early morning riser, and actually...

Aug 3, 2020

We chat with Christine Seibold, a freelancer, coach, community creator and author to discuss the importance of setting boundaries in your work and life to get what you want.

Don’t let your someday goals stay someday goals. Christine’s tangible steps to setting boundaries will help you actually achieve them and help...